Friday, June 1, 2012


Heard today through a nice report on NPR that a seventh entry in the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series by Jeff Kinney is expected in November. This half cartoon/half narrative tale of a put-upon sixth grader and his friends has made its way to the big screen too. Both my sons devoured the series. Joey, who enjoys a dystopian and fantasy bent, stopped to read these books and then introduced them to his little brother, who was a far more reluctant reader. And Chimo fell in love with them, and easily fell into their spell, and therefore, although I haven't read them (I did go to the movies) I still rate them highly on my list of favorite books for what they provided my sons. . .reading enjoyment. And a lot of laughter. There are many who bemoan and predict the death of books, and I simply don't see it. Good books will find readership.

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