Monday, August 25, 2014


On 25 March 1878 L. M. Emsley of Philadelphia wrote to my great, great grandmother Cecelia Longmore:

I neglected to answer your letter, because we were talking about moving, and I waited to know where it should be; but, at present, there seems no prospect of such an event happening.
You are to come down in April, or as soon as you can before that time. I am dying of curiosity to know what you have to tell me so come right away.
Martha had a very baby boy born Jan. 26th, it lived for nearly two weeks, and then died of inward spasms.
We school-teachers are nearly wild for we will have to wait until the 1st of May instead of the 1st of April, and most probably until October, so no new clothes for us.
It is a most horrible windy, dusty day and dust an inch thick on everything.

With love to all, I remain your friend,

I wonder from this short note if Cecelia too was a school teacher. Was Martha family or classmate or former friend? Ms. Emsley's writing is beautiful and light, and pretty easy to read, much better than most writing of this era that I have struggled with. Why keep this note? So many questions, but it is part of what made me love history.

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